Our company is built on service. Here's why.

Service Building Supply provides services and supplies to builders that they need in order to complete the job, on-time, and within budget. We go the extra mile (sometimes literally) to make sure that builders have the materials they need to build the best product possible. We offer excellent services to get projects installed with care and expertise. From our integrated IT systems that track our inventory and match your orders to our Reload Center, hand-picked sales force, and more, Service Building Supply is your partner in success—and yielding you a greater margin of profit.

Services Building Supply's Experience Comes from the Field

A local group of home builders originally organized Service Building Supply as a cooperative in 2006. The ownership of the cooperative made an intentional decision to transition back to their core expertise—new home construction—which paved the way for Service Building Supply to be purchased in 2012 to maintain its operations and services to builders.

In 2013, Service Building Supply opened a full-line distribution center located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Providing a physical presence in the Raleigh market, Service Building Supply focuses on millwork, installed sales, and builders developing residential, light commercial, and remodeling projects. The Service Building Supply team brings a depth of knowledge and broad network of relationships to the industry, giving your company the perfect building blocks upon which to thrive and grow.